Having made progress in tracing my English ancestors I am now focussing on my Irish ancestry but have made little progress for a number of reasons. I wonder if anyone can help me by explaining the inconsistencies in the census records of Irish people in Liverpool from the mid 19th century to the early 20th century. One example relates to my great grandmother Mary Catherine O'Neill who married my great grandfather John Dobson on 29 July 1888 at St Alban's Church. In the 1901 Census Mary is shown as aged 34, born "Ireland". She is living with her husband John a docker aged 35, and their daughter Margaret, aged 11, both were born Liverpool. My grandmother Jane Dobson is missing from the 1901 despite being born in 1900.
In the 1911 census Mary's birth place is substituted as "Resident Belfast, Ireland" and she is still living with her husband John as aged 45, who is still a Dock Labourer. and their children, Jane, aged 10, at school; Robert, aged 8, at school; Mary, aged 6, at school; and Sarah, aged 3, all born Liverpool, Lancashire.
The 1921 census records Mary Caterina (Catherine) as aged 55, born" Wexford" and living with her husband John, aged 56 an out of work docker and their children.
I am as sure as I can be that these records are for my family because the addresses and the children's names and ages are correct based on my late mother's recollections. I also know that ages are often misstated due to uncertain memories and Irish names misspelt by the enumerators but the variation in the places of birth make it impossible for me to research in the Irish records. Interestingly Mary's mother Mary Ann O'Neill nee Garrity is also shown as born in Ireland in 1901 census and Wexford in the 1911 census. She was also living in Arlington street in 1911.
Has anyone solved this type of problem in their research? I would be grateful. for any suggestions
Hi welome to the forum. In…
Hi welome to the forum. In our experience we have often found that earlier censuses only give the place of birth as "Ireland" and we feel very lucky that the 1911 census is often more explicit often giving the County in Ireland, ie Wexford. The notation "Resident" usually means that, although born in a different country, they are now and have been living in England long enough to be classed as resident. If you would please give the references for the 1911 census we'd be pleased to take a look and maybe others would also give their thoughts.
Hello Thank you for…
Thank you for responding so quickly. The census references for Mary Catherine O'Neill are,
1901 Census: 16 Denbigh Street, Kirkdale, Liverpool, Lancashire.
(RG13 Piece 3409 Folio 171 Page 42)
1911 Census: 21 Arlington Street, Kirkdale, Liverpool, Lancashire.
(RG14 Piece 22468 Folio - Page - )
1921 Census: 230 Arlington Street, Kirkdale, Liverpool.
(RG15 Piece 17679 Schedule 247 Code D District RD 455 RS 6 E
I look forward to any guidance you may be able to give me in sorting this one out.
Kind regards
I think you will have to…
I think you will have to consider researching both locations.
I lean towards Belfast being the place of birth or at least explore that possibility first. The 1911 census has the enumerators additions because of questions not being answered completely. I suspect you know the 1911 was filled in by a family member and any received additions was verbally to the enumerator who then added where appropriate. The problem was, some gave where they were raised from an early age as their birth place rather than their actual birthplace.
Thank you for your advice. …
Thank you for your advice. I will start tracking down the surviving records.
Peter B