Hello folks.
As you can see, the Trainors are still causing me problems!
I am trying to find the death of Philip Trainor, born in Ireland about 1817 and married to Sussanah. He was a labourer on the docks.
At the time of the 1861 census he was living with his family in 48 Essex St.
By the time of the 1871 census, his wife is named as head of the household at t6his address and the census states she was married and a 'labourer's wife'. Although Philip is not living with her, his name remains on the Electoral Register for 1871, 1872 and 1873.
His son Philip was married in 1877 and the marriage certificate states Philip Snr was dead by then. The most likely death record is for a 52 year old Philip Trainor who died following an accident at the docks in August 1871 (I have the death certifcate and a related newspaper report).
The only problem is that this Philip was lodging at $ court Brindley Street at the time of the 1871 census and he is described as a widower so how does this fit in with the census record for Susan and why would his name remain on the Electoral Register until 1873?
As always, any ideas would be gratefully received.
Glen, I wouldn't be too…
I wouldn't be too concerned about the Electoral roll, Philip wouldn't be the first person to be included after death.
The 1871 census, Essex St, Susannah has probably answered the questions as honestly as she could, it's unlikely she would want, abandoned by husband, if she was, recorded. If the son is telling the truth at his marriage and his father was deceased, the only fit is the Philip you have. I've tried to connect the deceased Philip to another family without success.
That's good enough for me,…
That's good enough for me, Bert. I'll take it that the records I have referred to do indeed relate to 'my' Philip. I guess he may have said he was widowed when he moved into lodging so that he didn't have to explain he had abandoned his wife - or been kicked out!
The Liverpool Mercury report about his death says Philip was 'hurt by a sack' while he was working on the docks and died of a strangulated hernia the following day.
As always, thanks for checking it out for me, Bert.
Wonder if there was an…
Wonder if there was an inquest? mind you if you've checked the newspaper you won't find anything else.