Thanks to Blue70 and other forum members, we have a collection of links that take us directly to a dataset in Familysearch, these are often unindexed databases and the links would take you to where you can browse the images, searching for your entry by date. These posts can be found here
What a brilliant link - I
What a brilliant link - I have used it in the past to explore the street directories but I don't think I appreciated just how many other resources were avalable. Worth our subscriptions just for this link!
Many thanks to Blue70 and everyone else involved - lots of time and effort gone into this.
Kind regards,
It's exceptionally good to go
It's exceptionally good to go straight to a particular parish, often if they aren't indexed the images may still be available and you can browse.
Kelly's Directory of…
Kelly's Directory of Liverpool 1911, 1930 & 1952…
I would like to ;oo
I would like to ;oo
Thanks Lynnek at the Isle of Man links that blue 70 posted yonks ago. Please can any one help.
It appears the link to old
It appears the link to old forum is broke or been taken down.
Go to family search, click, Catalogue, enter Isle of Man, choose, online. search.
Not intentional!! Webmaster
Not intentional!! Webmaster has spent a long time creating a new website and we are testing so many links at present, this is one that I've already discovered (hoped nobody else would until it was fixed
Thanks both. You are doing a
Thanks both. You are doing a brilliant job.
Kelly's Directory of……
Cheers Blue, most useful.
I've only ever had Preston…
I've only ever had Preston for the 1952, so having Liverpool is of great benefit.
And of course I have the Kellys 1938 so if anybody needs that shout, but again 1930 is better.