Thanks to Kathy, we have the opening times for the library and Archives.
Liverpool Archives new opening times.
Monday 9am-5pm Search Room 10am-4pm
Tuesday 12pm-8pm. Search Room 1pm-7pm
Wednesday 9am-5pm. Search Room 10am-4pm
Thursday 12pm-8pm. Search Room 1pm-7pm
Friday 9am-5pm- Search Room 10am-4pm
Saturday 9am-5pm. Search Room 10am-4pm
Access to Microfilm cabinets is now allowed.
There will be some social distancing still in place on the Microfilms and computers.
She was in the library at the time of sending this information and was informed that the microfilm cabinets will remain locked. The staff only found out at short notice. The staff are willing to get the reels out if you have travelled. The catalogues are back on the shelves.
She will keep us posted.
Since this was posted the…
Since this was posted the cabinets are now unlocked and machines can be used without prior booking.
Unfortunately the opening times, especially Tuesday remain the same.